Thursday, April 23, 2015

How to Treat Acne with Progesterone

People who have problems with acne can use progesterone as a treatment for their acne. Although acne is thought of to be generally a teenage problem, adult women will have it whenever there is hormonal imbalance.

Acne is a major problem for some people. It affects teenager's self-confidence and is irritating to look at and even feel. It is best to leave them so disappear naturally. Persons trying to aid the healing process by bursting them will leave a permanent scar. In most people it will disappear after or during their twenties but some people have it for the rest of their lives. It was thought that progesterone caused acne, but in recent times it was proven otherwise. Progesterone also aids in building up against breast cancer and uterine cancer. It is also used as a skin treatment as it oxygenates and hydrates the skins cells keeping them young and healthy.

Can Natural Progesterone Help Cure Hypothyroidism?

Many persons have hypothyroidism, and low progesterone deficiency is common with most persons with a hypothyroid condition. A progesterone deficiency will at times lead to a number of symptoms, and play a major role in why natural or synthetic thyroid hormone treatment doesn't work well.

However, there are cases this deficiency will aid in the hypothyroidism development wiki, and when this happens, treating this issue will help to restore the persons health with the hypothyroid disorder. One issue is that there are many doctors who won't do a thing to find out if a person has a progesterone deficiency. What they normally do is if a person has a hypothyroid condition, they will only recommend basic thyroid blood tests, and if the result is positive, the doctor will tell patients to take daily thyroid hormone for life. While this will help to manage hypothyroid symptoms, it won't help with the progesterone deficiency.

What Does Progesterone Has to Do with Night Sweating

Night sweat is an episode of sweating at night. Low Progesterone imbalance is one of the many causes of night sweats in women as she ages due to hormone decline. As the name suggests night sweating is actually sweating at night during sleep. It is also the nocturnal cousins to hot flashes in women. Night flashes are thought of as being uncomfortable and disruptive; however, they are not normally signs of anything serious.

During menopause, women experience many symptoms that will affect her emotionally and physically. It is said that up to Seventy-five percent of women during menopause will experience night sweats. This type of sweating may range from mild sweating to profuse sweating during sleep. The sweating may be so intense that It will interrupt a woman sleep which in turn affects her daily life. Nausea, sudden and extreme heat, chills, irregular heartbeat, flushing and headaches are common symptoms night sweating.

The Role of Progesterone in a Woman

The progesterone hormone plays a very important role in the life of a woman. This is the hormone responsible for making sure that she is fine during her pregnancy as well as the fetus well protected. It may not be known to you but every woman's dream is to become a mother some day. Motherhood is cherished by everyone all around the world no matter the culture or family background.

In addition, the joy of a new born baby can never be matched to any other joy there is in our world. This hormone increases during pregnancy in order to make the uterine wall thicker and to prevent contractions. This action makes the fetus to be well attached to the uterine wall and at the same time, prevent it from being detached. It also causes some changes in the mother's body so as to support the growth of the baby during the entire period of pregnancy.

Being Cautious with Progesterone Supplementation

When you suddenly notice that your menstrual cycle has been interrupted or has stopped, your doctor may prescribe treatment with progesterone. You can also be given this when you're pregnant. It's also popular in treating mostly women's conditions such as menopausal symptoms.

However, just like any ordinary medication, it still has some side effects. Diarrhea, bleeding, tenderness of the breasts and complications of the urinary tract are some of the ailments that users of this drug have experienced.

When you are taking this medication and notice the symptoms of low progesterone, do not wait until your condition worsens. Go back to your doctor and ask what you should do. He could prescribe another type of medication for you.

Though it has been known to be a solution, the side effects are sometimes serious in others. Some have experienced blood clotting therefore making them vulnerable to heart attacks. You just need to be careful.